15 February 2008

And the WINNER is.....

Okay, Okay... despite multiple suggestions to cheat the contest drawing, I refused. Despite multiple offers to include plane tickets for out-of-state contestants, I laughed, then refused. (Maybe when the prices of photo sessions increase?!?!) Despite offers for me to travel to places across the USA to take pictures, I had to decline.
So I resorted to write all the contestants names' on a slip of paper. Then I put the names in a brown paper bag, like so. (Who says you need a hat?!?)

Then my handsome sidekick/assistant picked a name from the bag. He looked at the slip of paper. Then I turned away so he couldn't draw another name instead. See how technical and precise we are about this contest? Well, without further adue, my congrats go to.....

(Thanks for emailing all your information. We will be in contact about exact session dates and times!)

****NOTE: I really want to thank everyone who partipated!!! And for those of you that did not get picked... I'm sorry. But hey, look on the bright side.... there is always next month! My goal is to do the contest drawings at the beginning of the month. So stay tunned..... our next contest will be all about those cute little young ones that are hopefully tucked into beds at this late hour. ALSO- these monthly contests are not limited to people I know. So pass the word along!